Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day Two


First, some business to take care of:

1) I started this blog before I started my job and had a very different idea of how the first chapter would go. Originally I thought I would spend time talking about what neat stuff I learned about photogrammetry and software quality assurance in my travels, but I am now doubtful how well that will work out. I apologize for my false promises. I mean not to be a miserable pit of lies. I haven't done anything but go through software tutorials yet, and I do assume it will get more interesting, but to whom is the question.

2) My new plan involves talking about the urban geography of Atlanta metro. Part of this may be my burning desire to rant about the layout of the city and its environs. I live (poor luck, not solely frivolous choice in housing) 20 miles from work, and it took 2 hours to get there my first day. No one loves public transit like I do, but this is ridiculous. I am holding off just spouting off nonsense though; my hope is to get a book or two on the history of Atlanta and share, book report style. Perhaps a little lame, but beats the hell out of an existence as an uninformed carpetbagger with a soapbox. We'll see.

3) Right before I moved to Atlanta (having just moved to Massachusetts) I fell off the stoop at my parents' house and got a concussion. I can't wash my hair this week because I convinced the doctor to take the stitches on my head wound out early and have to be super careful. I don't have towels anyway, so showering hasn't been a big thing for me. This is how I make friends.

This is a picture of what it looked like 8 days later:

4) I have begun to doubt my non-driving status. Here is the break down:
-two hour public transit commute to work
-even if I lived next door to the office, I would be stranded in Norcross on the weekends (no bus)
-looming specter of dependence that offends my independent character
-the lack of a license gives the impression of a child/prude/felon depending on where you are and who you tell
medical evidence of a sleeping disorder that would require stimulant medication to drive around with any sort of conscience
-the environment or something?
-never have to be DD (actually, that's everyone else's loss as I feel I could be great at that)

This is all. The lure of vain personal posting is just too much for me. Again, I offer apologies.

be well